pct pct pct (a prologue)

where do i begin? the start of my pct journey started well, maybe 3 years ago in 2020 after my dear friend ian finished the pct. but the start of the (now realized journey) was actually 3 weeks ago, when i put in my 3 month notice to my work. (anyone else see the angel number 333?)

representing creativity, growth, and spiritual connection, the number 3 is amplified by its repetition in 333, symbolizing spiritual awakening, expansion, and the manifestation of desires. a powerful spiritual number in numerology, the number 333, is often seen as a message from the universe that represents divine guidance, support, and encouragement and indicates that you are on the right path and that your prayers and intentions are being heard. (keen.com)


i digress from numerology to say, i’m finally conquering a long-time dream. a dream of hiking 2,650 miles from mexico to canada and vibing along the way. i started research into how ultra-ultra-ultralight can you hike to can you do the trail keto to what happens if you want to hike barefoot, yet never researched key points on how to hike the pct. fascinating eh? i know now 10 people who have finished the pct (thank you to those kind souls [you know who you are] who are excitedly answering my calls and texts about gear, prep, etc.) and i’m excited to attempt to be #11.

this is a major leap into the unknown for me. if you know me, knew me, or want to know me there is one thing you should know…i don’t like the unknown. i don’t like not having a plan. i don’t like not being on a path. quitting my job to make this life pivot was (and is) scary. but this is a huge practice is leaning into discomfort, or as my undergrad major would say, navigating ambiguity.

as i look forward in life, i don’t know where i want to be for the long-term, i don’t know what i want to do in life…i guess i don’t know anything about the future. but what i do know, is that i want to take this moment of reprieve to explore. to dive into the adventure of a lifetime. after hours of podcasts, a myriad of books, endless blogs, countless reddit threads, i know the trail won’t magically gift me the answers to my life’s biggest questions, but i am excited to find out what exactly lies ahead on this trail.

i’m sitting back at my childhood home in socal, writing this, with about 40 tabs open on my laptop of gear, experiences, and videos, so excited for what lies ahead. cheers to creativity, growth, and spiritual connection.

if you want to follow along on my journey, keep your eyes peeled here and on my hiking instagram

PCTA.J. AldanapctComment